
4 February 2014

The end of it all

The last few days have been somewhat more eventful then the previous four weeks.
Right now we're flying over Thailand, 3 hrs out of Signapore, well fed and hydrated.
The last night from Thursday to Friday in Poortugaal we spent sleeping in the living room, surrounded by our last earthly possessions. The Friday went of without a hitch. Day start was at 06.00 for the last shower, last vacuum, last fridge clean and such. At 09.00 we dropped the last of our stuff of at Gil's sister's friend and after a last waste drop off stop at 10.00 a quick stop at Gil's parents and dropping off the rental van, we were officially done with Poortugaal and headed to Huissen at 13.00. But first we got some great sandwiches from Sol food in Rhoon, because hey, we gots to eat right?!

Huissen was the oasis of tranquility it always is, except for the now four (!) cats occassionally attempting a sneak assissination attempt on each other. We made a few walks, spent  a lot of time eating or talking about food as is the Stamet tradition, had our last family dinner at da Claudio's and had a really good time. After all that goodness it was extremely tough to leave Huissen and say goodbye to Yuum's mum and dad. They are just the sweetest people you can imagine and they tried so hard to put on a brave face, but in the end everybody just cried. And that's okay.

Before we arrived at Gil's parents' house, we (Yuum) had to go on an epic journey to secure two suitcase security straps. Yeah...that's just what you need at the last moment! We could not find them because clearly it's not the season for those things....Fortunately Gil's parents had them and they are now in the cargohold making sure that our suitcases are safe, secure, strapped and probably some other s'es as well.

The last night at Gil's parents was blissfully uneventful. We checked out some cars we might buy, found out that some of the houses we picked are already gone (que sera sera) and before we knew it, it was 05.00 and time to start the day, say goodbye to Gil's mom at 06.15, drive to S'hol with Hester, Gil's sister and dad to meet Just and go through security at 07.30. There was a slight hickup with the visa being granted on the old passport, but a quick phonecall by ubersturmhauptfrau Immergeregelt made that all go away. Saying goodbye to the last of these lovely people that got up really early to send us off, was really hard, but we kept it together throughout most of it and eased our way through waiting by eating and walking. Sometimes at the same time, we're crazy that way, don't try it at home, only for trained pro's.

So far everything is right according to plan, eventhough the flight attendant has just informed Gil they are out of Diet Coke and he's just stopped breathing into a  paper bag.We'll be landing in Singapore in just under 2.5 hours, sleep some, see some sights (incl. the Singapore flyer) and report back when we are on red  soil.

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