
29 October 2013

Take it or leave it

We get asked a lot about what we plan to bring with us when we move. We've thought about this long and hard and for a number of reasons we decided to bring only what we feel we can not or do not want to replace. 

We never cared much about material things anyway and it saves Gil a lot of heavy lifting once we get there. Hiring a private shipping container door-to-door costs about 6,000 euros and we simply do not have 40m3 of stuff to fill it up with. Which leaves us with consolidation (container sharing). It takes just as long (6 weeks) to sail across the great big blue, but costs about 1/3 and prevents the secret hoarder in Yumi to just have Gil pack everything and store it somewhere once we get over there. 

Will we miss some stuff? Maybe. Can we buy it anew? Most likely. To get our old stuff over there would cost us between 6,000 and 7,000 euro, to buy everything we want brand spanking new (with extra shiny) will cost us $15,000. 

As with many things, at some point we had to make a choice and we realised that most of our stuff is 7-8 years old and bought with the house. Some of it would probably not survive the trip anyway and then we'd have to wait and see if it would fit our new house and requirements. Then there's the logistics of needing most of it until one week before departure and needing most of it again one week after we get there. Do the math and you will find that we need to bridge a 4-5 week period. That's like camping. We do not do camping.

So, what will we take? About 30 boxes worth of the below materials
Admin, Art, Diving books, Divekits, Bicycles, Photoalbums, Tools, Wooden vase, Kitchentools, Kita's urn,Gil's Clothing,Yumi's Clothing, Clock, Suitcases, Cookbooks, Laptop, Knives, Ovendishes, Small umbrella, Travel guides, Shoes, Cuttingboard, Extensioncords, Studybooks, Tablets, Handbags, Souvenirs, Alarmclocks, Healthcare products, Placemats and last but not least Gil’s Playstation. 

Gil considers it a challenge to his legendary packing skills to fit all this in just 24 boxes, let's see how that works out...

What gets left behind, sold to the highest bidder, donated to a cause or bonfired?
TV cabinet, Pots and pans, Water cooker, Dining table + chairs, Blue chairs + pillows, Book cabinets, Desk chair, Commode living room, Kitchen side table, Clothing racks, Garden recliner chair, Shoe cabinet, gardening tools, Garden chairs + table, garden hose, Small cabinets, Fitness devices, Desk lamp, Commode bedroom, 2-seater sofa, Dryer, Washer, TV, Clothing cabinet, Printer, Microwave, Printer, Magnetron, Mixer, Buckets, Vases, Curtains, Side tables, Kitchen scale, Kung Fu knives, Kung Fu staff, Books, Umbrella's, Lamps, Plants, Cleaning stuff, Tableware, Cat dishes, Clothes hampers, X-box360, Glassware, Christmas tree, Christmas decoration, Clothes hangers, Suit case, Circular saw, Black bicycle, Toaster, Iron, Bed, Toilet and bath mats, 3-seater sofa, Bed linen, Doormats, Cables, Litter boxes, Travel pens cats, Tosti maker, Dustbins, Ironing board, Cutlery, Pillows and blankets, Towels, Stereo, Scale, Matrasses, Large mirror, Small mirror, Nightstands, Table from study and Yumi’s Car. 

Some of this will be sold to the house buyers and some things have been spoken for by friends and family already, the rest is up for grabs for those in need.

1 comment:

  1. De Kerstboooooom :-D
    Enne, doe mij in de zijbalk een currency converter of iets dergelijks, want dat omrekenen lukt me nog van geen meter.
