
24 October 2013

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

Gil is writing this (because it is 3.14 in the morning and Yuum is a normal person who sleeps), but be sure that we've discussed this many a time and "I" means "We".

No use in hiding from the fact that it will hurt like a b*tch when the above people are no longer as close as they are now. We wanted to at least spend some time and words on what these people mean to us.

I never had the patience nor the smarts to be anything close to a philosopher, but fortunately the internet has lots of quotes from people that say funny and smart things all the time.

“Friendship is everything. Friendship is more than talent. It is more than the government. 
It is almost the equal of family.”  ― Mario PuzoThe Godfather

I find it impossible to translate emotions into words, while typing this choking up every now and then, but here's our best try on what these people mean to us, from left to right as well as the picture allows:

Roos: because she is the supermom-rolemodel, who found and walks her own path and lovingly organises four lives in the process
Little man #2: because he always wants to bigger, has a unique perspective on life and is a pint-sized super trooper
Kenji: because he's my big brother with a big sharp brain and a big kind heart, great taste in food , clothing and movies and a weird affection for Arnold S. and othe rthings that are 'just wrong'
Little man #1: because he is such a dreamer and invites us to his imaginary world where all is possible
Gil's mom: because she is my mom in most things and a friend in all others
Gil's dad: because he was my hero when I was young and a friend when I grew older. Best. Dad. Ever.
Samantha: because she's my small big sister who is nothing like me and alike in all things that matter
Yuum's mom: because she has her own way of doing things (including her own language) and a heart as big as a house that has a place for many things (but mostly cats)
Yuum's dad: because he's there when you need him or feel like eating pie. Wherever, whenever for whatever, always in the background, close to our hearts
Julia: because she is such a little firecracker, makes us laugh, brings out the best in her parents and gives meaning to the phrase "best of both worlds"
Alex: because I love him like a younger, better looking and smarter brother
Suzanna: because she has wicked listening skills, a redhead can-do attitude and a sense of humor to put it all in perspective
Marit: because she has the patience, heart and idealism to work with kids and achieves what she wants through hard work and an ambition that is only surpassed by her potential and determination
Just: because he is what I am not and a balance to my Gilbertness
Hester: because she is and will be so much more than she thinks herself capable of, with the best social skills ever and a lovely mom
Aschwin: because he is always positive, allows people their own pace and space,  is a radio dj (Gil's secret dream), fellow gamer, movie lover and the best thing that could have happened to Hester
Sophie: because she is too small to know it, but she gets kudos for connecting two lovely people for life, by just being there.

Okay, two hours gone and I am choking up again. I'll leave you with a nice quote from a book that I never enjoyed before, because a bear in a red t-shirt is just silly, but somehow this struck a cord:

“Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh?" he whispered.
"Yes, Piglet?"
"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's hand. "I just wanted to be sure of you.” 
― A.A. MilneWinnie-the-Pooh

We love you and we'll miss you

Yumi and Gilbert