
24 November 2013

Online Yard Sale

With a little over 70 days to go, it's about time we get this yard sale going, if we want to end up with 30 boxes instead of 30 m3. Two tabs to the right you can find the page that holds images of most of the stuff we're ditching. We might be sorry later, but for now it's yours to have and hold and it eases our mind if we know that someone else is putting our belongings to good use.

The 40+ items are available at no cost,  but we've noticed that giving stuff away is not as easy as you might think. There's feelings of embarassement, inequality, indebtedness and suspicion of returned favor expectations apparently right around the corner. Here's what we think: "When life hands you a freebie, don't be an idiot, just take it!"

If you still feel that you should pay something, make a donation to Brooke's Hospital for Animals and help the donkeys, one day they might rule the world and remember your kindness.

Have fun shopping!

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