
15 December 2013

Meanwhile in Poortugaal...

A lot has happened since the last post, some of it in preparation of the to trip, but most of it appears food related somehow. We seem to be eating out with friends and family all the time and we have at least 12 more diner dates planned before we leave. At this rate we might as well leave all our clothes and buy them plus-size on arrival.

Please take a moment to check out the timeline page, it's been updated and inverted, so recent events are now at the top.

In the meanwhile, here's a summary of the most relevant changes for our big Oz adventure. We've already packed up most of our stuff which seems to fit in less than 20 movers' boxes (that is just soo weird!). We've also opened a bank account in Australia, and yes we do accept donations to the cause in most currencies (including bitcoins). The webshop is quite the success and we've also managed to get rid of a lot of additional big and small stuff already. The quarantine procedure got remodeled, making it less long (30 vs 10 days) and costly (about a 1000 bucks) so good job DAFF! That leaves us with two cats, two pieces of art, two dive bags, two x two suitcases, ten x two boxes and two bicycles to send over. The connecting number seems to be two....while our house is getting more empty every day.

We've also secured lodging for the first couple of days: Our initial base of tactical operations will be here: . As soon as we've conquered most of Canberra, we plan to look for more permanent rented space, but for our first strike, this will do fine from 6-17 February!

The coming week will probably be somewhat emotionally draining and painful (for Gil) as there's numerous people to say goodbye to and things to leave behind. Yuum's farewell party will be the 16th, Christmas party on the 17th and her last day will be the 20th. Gil wil be saying goodbye to 4 kung-fu groups and end up in the circle of death as many times during the week and if he's still alive, will then have his official work farewell on the 20th. By then we'll probably be emotionally unstable, out of tissues and humbled by all the kind things people have said to us, as some have done already, which we'll share with you later.

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