
4 September 2015

Post Op Update (18 hours later)

For everyone just coming to look at my nudie pics, they are at the bottom of the post, so skip all the writing to get to the (good) bits.

There is really no comparison between the two operations and instead of writing a whole story, I thought to put the whole experience in a very handy table.

The day went a bit like this. You stop eating at 7.30, then stop drinking (not just alcohol, everything) at 10.30 and leave at 11.30 to take the bus for 1hr 45 min to travel 30 kilometers with a free tour of the whole of the ACT. Oh well, it rained when I got on, the sun was out when I got out at 13.20, small things in life and all!
Sooo getting me one of these!

Arriving at the clinic I did what I always do, wait 45 minutes and speak to everyone at 5 minute intervals and then the party starts. First you speak to one nurse, then another nurse who sees if you lied to the previous nurse, then the anesthesiologist (yep, looked that word up) who is the guy who put you to sleep and wakes you up if you're lucky and then you speak to the doctor who will do the cutting, but first.... he breaks out his magic marker and uses you for a whiteboard and goes places with that marker that no one should be comfortable with. Ever. But then again, he's about to cut you up, so I just giggled like a 3 year old (it tickles, hihihihi) and let him ravage me.

When they introduced themselves as the medical team, I started to worry

You then sit around some more and at about 14.30 you're ushered into theater and met by 5 people who are only recognizable by their eyes who are way to cheerful while handling sharp objects if you ask me. I hesitated when they asked me to lie face down on those 5 pillows on the operating table, but hey in for a penny, in for a pound I thought and then sleep guy makes small talk and before you know it you wake up at 18.30 and wonder where the heck you are. 

Then everybody comes in again and starts asking me how I am feeling, to which my answer was, what time is it, I feel rested, don'have to pee, pain scale is 2, just Panadol please, did someone call my wife and can I get a cheese and tomato toastie with a coke zero, which made the nurse chuckle. 90 minutes later Yuum was taking me home.

Well, at least it was free.

@home everything went much easier as expected, had more food, went for a 1km/hr run around the block (I should have Runkeepered it!) with Yuum and kept my cool until 01.00 before turning in. Sleeping was just fine, but me being me, very much done by 04.00am, which gave me plenty of time to catch up with the world, talk to the cats and troll Facebook and LinkedIn.

Two weeks from now the stitches come out, that should be fun. And for anyone wondering, I actually gained weight during the operation. Went in at 95.7, they took about 1,5 liter of fluid and fat and this morning I weighed 95.8. Well done!

And now for the pictures from this morning

Lipo holes, marker and blood and back pack straps (don't ask, I don't know)

The left side, the blood is old, no worries

Right side, same thing

Not sure about this dent, apparently it's normal

Stay to the left


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