
1 April 2014

First day on the job

My former Rockwell colleagues will wonder why I gave up my cool window spot with a view to the bridge and river for this, but at some point I guess they will have to give me a PC and a phone and pull up the blinds and THEN I will look out over the whole of Canberra from the 9th floor of my city office. I cannot see my house from here, but it does not get a lot higher and better than this. I can see Capital Hill, I can see Lake Burley Griffin, a number of museums and it is an exact 2.38 minutes walk away from Canb City Shopping mall with the best food court ever. (I could have gone faster, but there were old people in my way!) I will ofcourse never get yummy snacks from the 50+ foodstalls, because that would be bad for my diet....

The bus stop is all of 50 meters away from the front of my Eclipse building and going by my first experience this morning, not a terrible option to drive back and forth to work. Contrary to the average Rotterdam bus/tram/metro driver, the Canberra drivers do not have a deathwish for themselves or their passengers and the few times they do need to brake, does not involve the whole of the bus to experience an NCAP rating crashtest. In the meanwhile I somehow managed to get my buscard trapped in the lining of my new suit and spent a good ten minutes to retrieve it through the 'pochette' pocket. Well, at least it kept the other travelers entertained.

As far as work is concerned, there's a lot of unclarity (comes with the job) still, but by Friday I will have had a meeting with the execitive MT and have read the agreement that we are supposed to help implemen . All 95 pages of it, plus the 100+ ppt slides I got 'for my reference' (yeah, thanks). I must say the lady from Price Waterhouse that wrote it knows her stuff and managed to NOT add to the reigning confusion so far. 

I am supposed to leave the office by 17.30 at the latest or wait for the cleaners to let me out. My floor houses all sorts of Finance and Policy & Compliance people, so my Expressive style personality will fit right in, ahem. Aside from the biggest printer (it might just print real live new employees for all I know) I have ever seen, there's lot's of chocolaty snacks with a trust jar of money next to it and a lady who bakes cakes for a hobby in the cubicle next to mine. Good times. The building I am in, also houses the parolee and convict board so I fit right in...sort of. Security is quite tight because of that and forgetting your badge when using the bathroom is not a great plan. I am sure to do that at some point, just wait for it. 

Tomorrow will be lots of reading, the required handshakeround across the department floor and some more settling in. Thanks for all the lovely and funny support messages, now all I have to do is prove you all right. Keep you posted!



  1. You are entertaining! Thanx for making me smile and good luck!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. veel suc6 met je nieuwe baan . XOX Tante Lia
