
18 April 2014

Furniture Fiesta

We consider ourselves to be reasonable and low expectation people. That's why our plans work out so well most of the time, we're flexible and don't mind if we get there by a different route. As long as we get there, eventually. We've had the wind in our back ever since we set foot on the red earth Down under, but the wind must have been busy the day we decided to buy furniture.

About five weeks ago, still thinking that all was well with the world and feeling truly blessed, we decided to furnish our house and that's when you go to Fyshwick town, because that's where you go to buy stuff. So to Fyshwick we went (again), looked at about 3,754 pieces of furniture in 97 stores over 5 days and decided (Yuum needed comparative data and an analysis, I was done after 15 minutes) on Stylo Homes Furniture. I saw the dining table and a very nice cabinet and was sold on it and that's when we should have quit, but we also bought a bedroom set. I say "we", but now that it went wrong in a rather spectacular way, you will understand that it's my fault...(even though I was not part of the analysis team and had no decision power)

The furniture was said to arrive in two weeks...wait three weeks, uhm, four weeks...., no,no, I am sure I said five weeks! And then it was 2 days late anyway. No worries, mate, you know what, I'll just call you myself fifteen times to hear what the new date and time will be and then you can change it, again. By then we realized we were dealing with a Middle-Eastern businessman and our experience is that you should go diving in the Middle-East, but business deals are not that clearly outlined nor as permanent as a European might think. They smile and smile and smile and nothing gets done. Well, at least he did not say, you are my special friend....

Now, if it had stopped there, that would be sort of okay, like I mentioned, we're flexible. But noooooo. The table base had holes in the wrong place, so no way it would ever fit, the bed headboard and planking looked like it had been savaged by a pack of hungry, wild dingoes, the chairs were not the type we ordered oh and did I mention they were nearly four WEEKS late?!?!?! I'll spare you the customer service follow up and we did get a new base and headboard the next day, but no apology, no explanation.  I'd advise you against ever buying anything there, but since most of you live 16,000 kms away, I guess you are safe. They do have a web shop though...Seriously, go there open the Terms and Conditions and read that notice for yourself: WEBSITE UNDER MAINTINENCE. Dont make any purchase (those are not MY typos)

I consider myself to be reasonably handy, but the construction drawing really put my IKEA skills to the test. The bed set was a total of 9 boxes and the construction instructions were a joke. Enter Yumi the brilliant furniture instructor. As with many other things, I just screwed everything on (or up) and Yuum provided 'advice' on how to do that, good times. In the end I was left with two bags full of excess screws, plugs and some additional planking that we have no idea of where to put. All is well that ends well, I guess, but I think we shouted out, NEVER AGAIN!! about 25 times in the process. Can I see hands for anyone who thinks this was not a good way to spend Good Friday?  If you're thinking, what else could go wrong....well, after 1 night of sleeping in the bed I can tell you, it squeaks like a stuck pig every time you take a deep breath, but as long as you do not move a muscle, you're just fine. Aaaaargh.

Fortunately we also ordered some furniture from a different store (coffee table, console, tv cabinet and side table) and those were all delivered as promised and even though Yuum thought the coffee table to be damaged (If you lean in real close with a microscope, you might just see a scratch riiiiiight there.....oh wait it's a cat, my bad! I am just really happy that I have drawers to put all that laying-around-getting-hairy-and-dusty-stuff in. In case you wondered, our coffeetable-box and tv-cabinetbox are now living out their days in the box cemetery which was once our two car garage. There's so many boxes in it, we can hardly fit in one car and get out. I've never owned so many boxes in my life and I have no idea what to do with them other than making a really big pile and setting them on fire, which might just upset the neighbors.

This weekend is Easter and not only will the royal couple and son be visiting (only thing on tv), much more importantly, 99.9% all shops were closed on Good Friday. No kidding. Maybe K-Mart was open, I know the IGA supermarket was open (went there for a snack run) but it's really weird to see so little activity going on. Fortunately, the next three days the whole of Australia (aside from people working in stores) are off and set to holiday, buy cars and spend big money on furniture (it's the same everywhere you go). We will take the opportunity to buy some plants (which are really cheap compared to Intratuin) and pots (more expensive than the plants for some reason) and make our house a bit more of a home. Yuum expects me to hide Easter eggs throughout the house and garden, but it's still 23 degrees here, so not such a good idea, I'll hide them in the fridge.

More adventures next time, keep to the left and see you soon, here's some pics to share in our experience


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